Can You Clean Solar Panels with Baking Soda? (Simple Guide)

Solar panels are usually installed outdoors, meaning they will, over time, accumulate dirt and stains. Dust and caked-in dirt should be easily cleaned with water and brush, but what about harder things, such as bird droppings or tree sap?

Some have experimented with hard cleaners, only to damage their panels. This means you need something with a bit of cleaning power but not too strong. Will common household cleaners like baking soda work?

You can clean solar panels with baking soda. This is because it is a mild abrasive, which can help to lift and scrub the dirt away from the panels. Mix baking soda with water and lather it all over the panel. Then scrub the panels before rinsing it all away with low-pressure water sprays.

This article explores if you can use baking soda to clean your solar panels. We also describe the step-by-step process you can follow to clean your panels with it. 

Can You Clean Solar Panels With Baking Soda?

Baking soda is a good cleaning agent for solar panels, as it is a mild abrasive, non-toxic, and eco-friendly. It is also cheap and easy to use. However, avoid using a hard brush or scrubbing too hard on the panels. You may also want to check with the solar panels’ manufacturer to check for suitability, just in case.

Generally, baking soda is an excellent agent to clean your solar panels. This is due to several reasons:

Mild Abrasive

Baking soda is a very mild abrasive that provides some cleaning power without being too overbearing on your solar panels. This means you achieve the balance between ease of cleaning and protecting your sensitive solar cells.

As a result, baking soda should help you to achieve clean, high-performing solar panels with less risk of damage during the cleaning process.

Cheap And Easily Available

Baking soda is a household cleaning agent that is affordable and easily available in most stores. Baking soda is also a cleaner for many things, from clothing and floor to even our teeth.


Harsh cleaners are often made from some chemicals, which means they may be unsafe for you. People who use chemical cleaners may feel dizzy when they breathe in too much of the fumes.

Baking soda is non-toxic, as it is a natural product. It also does not generate toxic fumes or very rarely irritates the skin.


Baking soda is a natural cleaning agent, which means it should not pollute the environment even after using it. This means you can rinse them away after cleaning and not worry too much about whether baking soda will clog drains or pollute waterways. 

However, it may still be good to check with your solar panel manufacturer for recommendations for cleaning the panels. Ask if baking soda is safe to clean up your solar panels. 

They are the panel makers and should be the ultimate authority to decide if baking soda can be used as a cleaner for your solar panels. 

How To Clean Solar Panels With Baking Soda?

Start by preparing the right materials. Next, mix baking soda with water to create a paste. Apply the paste over the panel using a brush or a microfiber cloth. After allowing the panel to sit for about 5-10 minutes, before scrubbing lightly. Then rinse away with water before drying with a microfiber cloth.

Cleaning solar panels with baking soda is not rocket science. It is a simple process that can be done at home. 

Before you start, prepare the things you will need. They are:

  • Baking soda. Any brand will do mostly. 
  • Cleaning brush. Ensure the brush does not have hard bristles, which may damage your solar panels.
  • Two microfiber cloths. One to apply the baking soda, and the other to dry the panels. Microfiber cloths should be soft enough to avoid scratching your panels and can hold a lot of water, helping with the drying process.
  • A bucket of water. This should help with the application and cleaning process.
  • Hose. You will use this to help direct water during rinsing.

To start clearing solar panels with baking soda:

  1. Mix baking soda and water to create a paste. You can try mixing with a ratio of 1:3, which is 1 part baking soda, to 3 parts water. 
  2. During the mixing process, feel the thickness of the paste. It should be thick enough to stick to the panels but not too thick to make it difficult to spread. Feel free to adjust the mixture as you see fit, to your preference. 
  3. Rinse the solar panel with hose water to wet the surface, and prepare it for baking soda. 
  4. Apply the baking soda paste to the solar panels. You can use a cleaning brush or a microfiber cloth. 
  5. When applying, have a direction. We suggest starting at the top of the panel and working your way down. Ensure that you have baking soda applied over the whole panel’s surface.
  6. Let the baking soda paste sit on the panels for 5-10 minutes, but not more than 15 minutes. During this time, the baking soda will work on breaking down dirt, grime, and stains from the panels. 
  7. If you prefer, you can start scrubbing the panels. Use a brush or microfiber cloth to do this. 
  8. Avoid exerting too much force when scrubbing, as you may damage the solar panels. 
  9. Rinse the panels with water. Start from the top of the panel and slowly rinse your way down. Ensure there is no baking soda paste left on the panel. 
  10. Check the panel surface for any remaining dirt or grime. If needed, reapply some baking soda paste, let sit, and scrub until the offending spot is clean.
  11. Dry the panels with a clean microfiber cloth. This should prevent water spots from forming on the panels.

Final Thoughts

It is important to clean your solar panels regularly in order to keep them in good condition and maximize their efficiency.

Baking soda is an effective and safe way to clean your solar panels, as it is non-abrasive and won’t damage sensitive components.

With the right tools and techniques, you too can make sure your solar panels are always in the best shape possible.

If you are in a cleaning mood and wondering about other things you can clean your panels with, we have also discussed how you can clean your solar panels with toothpaste.

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